Llama Vaults and Indexes

3 min readAug 12, 2021

Greetings Llamas! Sauzze here!
As anticipated, here are all the details concerning WOOL and its use case.

VIP Program

Firstly, we are proud to introduce the VIP Llama status.

When WOOL farming ends a new “Pens Pool” will open — allowing you to stake your WOOL-LAMA LP.

The ~$ value you stake in the Pens will represent your VIP level on the platform.

VIP levels, requirements and features

Requires ~500$ worth of LAMA-WOOL LP in the Pens.
Allows users to access the Vaults (except the LAMA-WOOL).

Requires ~1000$ worth of LAMA-WOOL LP in the Pens.
Allows users to access LAMA-WOOL Vault.
Allows users to access indexes and index staking (more at the end of the article).

Requires ~2000$ worth of LAMA-WOOL LP in the Pens.
Users with VIP 3 Status will receive an exclusive NFT every month.
Other perks coming soon.


Here at LlamaSwap we strive to do things a bit different! Vaults are our special farms created to further reward the people who are willing to provide liquidity on a long term basis. All the Vaults will reward LAMA plus a third party token or an LP token.

Due to the opening of the Vaults, LAMA emission will be doubled (0.5 -> 1.0 LAMA per block minted). Half (0.5 LAMA per block) will continue to be contributed to the pools and farms, whilst the additional 0.5 LAMA per block will be split between the Vaults.

We feel confident in the new emission rate of LAMA because of the WOOL tokenomic and constant LAMA burning.

Third party tokens and LP will grow in time thanks to the strategy contract we implemented. This will work with the liquidity raised from the WOOL pre-sale.

All vaults come with a 24h lock on harvesting and unstaking, as well as a penalty on both harvesting and unstaking which decreases over time.

Staking funds in the Vaults starts a 24h period during which you can’t withdraw funds.
When the lock expires, an unstake penalty will start at 90% and will decrease by 0.13% per hour until it reaches 0% within 30 days.

When staking in the Vaults, a 24h lock is placed on harvesting.
When the lock expires, a harvesting penalty will start at 90% and will decrease by 0.25% per hour until it reaches 0% within 15 days.

The first Vaults to open will be:

▸LAMA-WOOL [VIP level 2]
x50 multiplier

▸WOOL-BNB [VIP level 1]
x22 multiplier
Rewarding LAMA + LAMA-BNB LP

▸WOOL-BUSD [VIP level 1]
x22 multiplier
Rewarding LAMA + LAMA-BNB LP

▸to be announced
x8 multiplier
Rewarding LAMA + 3d party farm token


This is our “one more thing”…
We are announcing LlamaSwap Indexes, a brand new feature!
Think of an Index as a sort of ETF of the stock market.

There is no current ETA, however we are aiming for a mid September release.

There will be 4 Indexes at launch:

▸Heritage — composed mostly from top 50 coins/tokens

▸Sheperd’s pick — composed exclusively of BEP20 tokens

▸Stable — composed exclusively of stable coins

▸XXX — index collaboration (to be revealed)

Access to Indexes will be reserved to VIP members only, with different levels yet to be defined.

Stay tuned, as more details on the indexes will be revealed in the coming days!

For further information or for any questions, ask in chat!

Telegram: https://t.me/llamaswap
Twitter: https://twitter.com/llama_swap
Instagram: https://instagram.com/llamaswap
LlamaSwap: http://llamaswap.finance

